Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Classic Lamb Chops Recipe


4 lamb chops

salt and freshlyground black pepper

8 tsp choppedrosemary

300ml/10fl oz red wine

4 small potatoes, chopped

100g/4oz butter

600ml/21fl oz double cream

200gr/8 oz edam cheese

4 tbsp olive oil

4 carrots, thinly sliced

2 large onions, chopped


1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.

2. Season chop with salt and pepper and sprinkle with half therosemary.

Fry for 2-3 minutes in a hot frying pan.

Transfer to the oven to cook through for 3-4 minutes.

3. Remove chop and deglaze pan with red wine and the remainingrosemary.

4. Cook the potato in boiling water until tender, drain and add the butter, cream and cheese.

Mash together and spoon into a ring.

Press down with the back of a spoon, level off the top and remove ring.

5. Fry the carrot and onion in the olive oil in a hot griddle pan for 2-3 minutes until charred.

Serve the chop on the mash with the carrot and onion.

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